Health Safety

To meet the objectives, Hi Roof Pvt. Ltd management is committed to provide Good & Healthy working atmosphere to their employees along with moral values. Following are the principles laid to respect the commitment made:

  • To identify and address the social concerns about raw materials, products and operations
  • To counsel both internal and external customers significantly industry related safety, health and environment hazards, and to recommend protective measures
  • To comply with statutory norms for responsible laws, regulations and standards to safeguard the community, workplace and environment
  • To promote the principles and practices by sharing experience and offering assistance to others who are engaged in similar business
  • To make Safety, Health and Environmental considerations a priority during planning & development of products
  • To operate the machineries within the facility in a manner to protect the environment, safety and health of our employees and the public at large
  • To dedicate and commit to reduce overall emissions and waste generation
  • To economically develop and manufacture the products to conserve those resources by using energy efficiently

Believe with this, Hi-Roof Pvt. Ltd. shall promote safe & environment friendly working culture to their employees & society.


THE COMPANY is committed to continual improvement of our environmental performance and the efficient use of natural resources. Environmental responsibilities are integral to the way we do business.

Wherever we operate, we develop, implement and maintain management systems for health, safety, environment and the community that are consistent with internationally recognised standards and enable us to:

  • Identify, assess and manage risks to employees, contractors, customers, the environment and communities
  • Meet or exceed applicable legal requirements
  • Develop our people and provide resources to meet our targets
  • Respect the traditional rights of indigenous peoples
  • Advise on the responsible use of our products
  • Strive to achieve leading industry practice
  • Set and achieve targets that include reducing waste and preventing pollution
  • Support the fundamental human rights of employees, contractors and the communities in which we operate
  • Care for the environment and value cultural heritage

Wherever possible, we seek to:
  • Reduce the generation of waste materials at their sources
  • Reuse waste materials onsite
  • Recycle waste materials offsite
  • Minimise the storage or disposal of these materials either on or offsite, pending the further development of processes to increase their practical reuse

The commitment towards this will be on going. We will continually review our operations and make ourselves accountable for our performance - not only to our stakeholders, but also to our customers and the community at large.